Awaken has found a number of links to help improve operational efficiency and risk management.
Key strategic partners have been identified and engaged to help Awaken can broaden its offering and deliver global reach for its services through the following:
- For global reach and expertise in safety, health and environmental performance, including specialisms in road transportation, hazard identification and multi cultural communications, Awaken Consulting Limited relies on;?
- For expertise in people, teams, motivation and staff turnaround we work closely with MHA Training based in the Wirral, UK.?
- For the glue that binds all our work together, the ability to deliver winning working relationships time after time after time, we look to People First International, based in Southampton, UK.?
- Building, challenging and improving systems of control requires expertise in robust systems of control. For that we look to Kingdom Management Limited based in Sevenoaks, UK.?
- Cost effective monitoring and measurement control systems are a pre-requisite for delivering robust metrics that staff and management can use for decision making. Here we work with Fulcrum Control and Automation Technologies of the USA,
- For our hosting, website and IT needs, Awaken looks to Webit Technologies Ltd, based in Edinburgh and Perth.?
- For expertise in management training and people skill, we work with Discovery House based in the East of England.
- For the tools and techniques to create high performance teams, we use the proven techniques of ?an even better place to work?.
- For structured risk assessment tools, we use BowTieXP, an industry leader in structured risk management.